Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tooth With Cavity Filling Fall Apart

transparency is a good point!

Halluh my friends ^ - ^
I think most of you are the great debate have noticed the honesty of the blogger and / or Youtube World already. No, I want to spark this discussion again, but provide a little more transparency on my blog! n_n

Inspired by GTBHC I sat down in recent days and a bit with my (albeit modest) skills tinkered some buttons, which will soon appear in all Reviews . So you can been seen very quickly whether the products sponsored are or have been purchased with the own pockets are or have obtained from a noncommercial source :)

And because I'm still pretty proud of my little works of art c (* v * c), I thought I was making this lad sometimes for you high and introduce them to you! You can save it by right clicking or the html code use in your blog posts!

Maybe you start something with them



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