Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Storage In False Wall

Oreo Chocolate +

Wow o.0
The Shun is one-hundredth of Journal ! ^ -.
commented ^
A very big thank you to you, my love ♥ That you Mitler always so busy and and motivates me to enjoy the life and hold
I am recently noticed that some thing I give up my life more attention, so that I can then tell them n_n


And what is a more appropriate topic for a Jubiliäumsblogpost as chocolate? (* yummy *) ^ - ^ yummy

This (I can not stay away from them ... storms ever in the kitchen for me to steal a little piece of happiness: b) Oreo chocolate have my friend and I made Valentine's Day on .

that we both had never before been experimenting with chocolate , they are really yummy become and therefore I would like to the Recipe to share with you *-*

  • 350g Oreo biscuits ( The Oreo cookies I've found so far only in Rossmann chemist can, but there are the 200g and not in any Rossmann)
  • cream cheese
  • jam
must first Oreo crumbled biscuits given in a large bowl. The trick is the cookies right in the package to crush .
Because the cookies but we do have quite small, given the crumbled pieces into a freezer bag and miss with a pestle your pent-up anger out * * heiiiiyaaaa
Then it would look something like this (almost like potting soil, right? n_n) . With a fork, you can again go through and break up larger pieces. can
~ Sooo now the cream cheese purely (I've also wondered first: chocolate and cream cheese But it really tastes great!) . What is very important to the bowl in which do you want to mix everything must be so large that it is beautiful knead can (I too late realized that my dish was too small and had to decant * höhöö *) .
For mixing, I first tried it with a fork, but it did not work out quite as well

the trick. your hands to pack in small freezer bags and beautiful Knead! * squishy squishy squishy * n_n

The result of the Rumgematsche should look like this:
The chocolate-jam in water heat (making sure that really pure water can not flow into the chocolate) ...
... until they liquid and stirring is very easy. Because the process could take a little longer, it may also mean that the chocolate is thicker. Do not worry! Simply enter back into the water and continue to work ^ - ^
With your hands out of the Oreo cookie cheese mass form small balls and place on foil (so are Roll the balls as good, not gone and will not even stick) .
Fortunately, my friend, the work roll has taken over (in my defense:! He had fun höhö * *).
the balls with a Fork in the liquid chocolate mass and lie down herwenden until they are thoroughly covered with chocolate and then remove with a fork. drain off excess chocolate and place on be a support
Maybe you have this grid chocolates at home, which is also good.
stretch plastic wrap over a plate.
Thus, the detachment is very easy later n_n
If you want, you can also use just a jam for the variety of chocolates preparation or do you take once a white block and a block of whole milk.
So you can spice up the chocolate a bit, for example, drag a fork such typical strip or provide letters on it Daub *-*

Then the chocolates in the fridge and wait a night (we have emptied the fridge not just for the chocolates. We had to eat really almost nothing left .______.)
The first thing I am next morning did (not polished teeth, not had breakfast yet ...) , The survey was chocolates and to free them from the plastic wrap.
And are you ready with your chocolates! n_n
trespass beloved sins! It is worth hrhrhr * * ♥

And finally, a beautiful picture of our sweet tooth * * raawr




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