Saturday, February 5, 2011

Congratulations Messages For Pregnant

miuty * 8

youtube - Hua Vang
I have a new Youtuberin for fabulous eye make-up discovered
*-* She's just very cute, has beautiful features and is very creative ♥ Most of all I love her "transformation" of nondescript, pretty girl next door to enchanting beauty ♥

creative - sometimes charging case for mobile phone
Look what I found on dawanda: The charging pocket for your cell phone! n_n
of nice things for 14,90 € + shipping
of zigzag zebra for 16,00 € + shipping costs
of Trueffelchenundco for 10,00 € + shipping costs
cute Simple, right? *-*

Who has not? Sometimes you wake up in the morning and think only "I hope I did not send on down!" o.0

On # 1:!
Daddy, I find using niht home ... = (To help, because the front is a typical church ... ud ne street lamp ... ... and so ... Can you help me?
Lie on a bench and sleep in your drunk. Then you call me again to you .... if not previously noticed have that you're standing in front of the apartment. And please stop singing.

I wish you all a nice start into the new week!



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