Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gift Ideas Stroke Patient

Schöfferhofer wheat pear-ginger

geotagged, [N52.54247, W13.48975]

What a pleasant surprise a few days ago, 2 packages, each with 3 bottles of wheat mix with the pear-ginger flavor.

first I wondered if the taste is?

And yes, it can and does. Schön has cooled it a fruity taste like pear and then might add a slightly tart ginger and it is a perfect symbiosis of two flavors.

It is pleasantly fresh and it smells good, feels light and refreshing on the tongue. It sets the mood for more, and is a perfectly suitable beer for social evenings with the best friends and I am sure it pleases the women.

All in all, it tastes really good and it is not guaranteed for one beer.

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Is A Hamster's Weakness?

To get into the weekend ...

available here ... Sophie's favorite breakfast. Maybe that is what tomorrow?